What is the Fargo Area Dollars for Scholars?
It is a community scholarship program for graduates of Fargo's six high schools - Davies, North, South, Oak Grove, Shanley, and Dakota High School.
Our purpose is to provide financial assistance to students from Fargo area schools who plan to continue their education after high school. Costs for post-secondary education continue to escalate, placing the dream of advanced education out of reach for many students. Scholarships awarded from Fargo Area Dollars for Scholars help make that dream a reality.
Who belongs to Fargo Area Dollars for Scholars?
Our chapter is a group of community volunteers who are committed to helping students expand their access to educational opportunities. The volunteer board of directors is composed of business leaders, educators, school counselors, parents and professionals from our community.
The chapter operates as a program of the Fargo Public Schools Development Foundation. For more information about the Foundation, go to www.fargoschoolsfoundation.org or contact the Foundation at 700 7th Street S., Fargo, ND 58103, 701-446-1041, email fpsfound@fargo.k12.nd.us.
How is Fargo Area Dollars for Scholars Funded?
Scholarships are made available through annual donations and investment income from endowed funds. Fargo Area Dollars for Scholars is committed to improving educational opportunities for Fargo Public School students pursuing post-secondary education.
All contributions to Fargo Area Dollars for Scholars are tax deductible to the extent provided by state and federal laws.
How many scholarships are awarded each year?
In an average year, about 50 scholarships of $1,000 each are awarded. Since the inception of Fargo Area Dollars for Scholars awarded over one million dollars to students to further their education.
How are scholarships awarded?
Students can apply for a Fargo Area Dollars for Scholars scholarship through the online application system. The selection process takes into consideration work experience, activities and leadership, educational and career objectives, unusual circumstances, references, scholastic performance, and scholastic aptitude.
Each high school is awarded a certain number of scholarship based on the population of the high school. In a typical year, 50 total scholarships are awarded to graduates from North, South, Davies, Shanley, Oak Grove and Dakota high schools.
How can you support the Fargo Area Dollars for Scholars program?
Make a contribution. Become a volunteer. Encourage students to apply.
Your financial contributions of any size are encouraged to ensure the availability of scholarship funds for years to come. Your gift to Fargo Area Dollars for Scholars is an investment in our community. Fargo needs the talents and gifts of our young people if we are to continue to grow and prosper. Click here to make a tax deductible contribution.
The Fargo Area Dollars for Scholars Endowed fund is a qualified endowment for the North Dakota Tax Credit. For more information about how to take advantage this opportunity, click here. If you have any questions you can reach us at 701-446-1041 or fpsfound@fargo.k12.nd.us.